The 100 Baby Themeacy!

Archive for August 2011

I know you’re not reading this for my witty intros, so let’s just skip the greetings and get to what I did over the last couple of days.

Ever since Avery and I started dating, we spent practically every Saturday together. We alternated whose house we went to – whose couch we would watch cartoons on or whose backyard we’d play tag in. It’d already been arranged that we were meeting at his house that weekend, so I didn’t bother calling before I came over.

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He’d just finished breakfast with his parents and pulled me into his bedroom so we could talk. I hesitated at the door, my stomach flip-flopping from what I hoped were just nerves and not morning sickness. When I finally walked in and closed the door, he tried to give me a hug but I pulled away.

“What’s wrong?” he asked worriedly. “Did I do something?”

“No, of course not. It’s just … I have to tell you something, and I don’t think you’re going to be happy.”

“What is it?”

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“Do you remember I said I’ve been feeling ill lately?”


“Well, my parents made me go to the doctor yesterday.”

“Oh, no. Is it serious? Are you dying?” He was so sweet and concerned. I really didn’t want to ruin the moment by telling him, but I knew I had to.

“No, no. I’ll be fine, but -” I paused, looking into his green eyes. This could be the last time you see them filled with love for you, a little voice in my head warned me. I tried not to listen as I said the words I was dreading. “I’m pregnant.”

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There were a few moments where the only sounds were coming from the tv in the living room and the birds chirping outside. Avery stood still, his hand barely touching my arm and his mouth wide open. I think it was a full two minutes before he started moving again, and when he did it wasn’t to back away like I had expected. Instead, he broke into a grin.

“Really?” He actually sounded excited.

“You’re happy,” I noted, rather shocked.

“Of course! Why wouldn’t I be? This is fantastic news. Unless you’re not happy. Are you happy? Are you okay?” His smile fell as he waited for my answer.

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“Yes! I’m so, so happy. I was just worried about you.”

He grinned again and pulled me into a hug. “I love you, Annemarie. Nothing could change that.”

I smiled into his chest and mentally kicked myself for thinking he’d be anything but happy. I knew Avery better than anyone – how could I ever doubt him?

“Have you told anyone yet?” he asked suddenly.

“I had to tell Mom and Dad, and I figured I might as well tell my sisters.”

“How’d they take it?”

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I shrugged and Avery let go of me, giving me a questioning look.

“Daddy and Jess are ecstatic, of course. Mom’s okay with it now. But Corinne…”

He sighed and ran a hand over my arm comfortingly. “What did she say?”

“It doesn’t even matter. She’ll come around. I’m just happy that you’re okay with everything.”

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He kissed me and held my face in his hand, staring into my eyes. “I’m more than happy. I can’t even begin to explain how overjoyed I am at the idea that I’m going to be a father, or how elated I am to be having this baby with you.”

I giggled uncontrollably, as I did whenever Avery said something cheesily romantic, and he soon joined me. Corinne would come around eventually, I knew, but in that moment all I cared about was Avery and our baby.

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Once we stopped laughing, Avery started to back away from me. “I have something for you. I was saving it for the next time we go to the Little Corsican, but I think now would be much better. Just … don’t move.”

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He turned around and walked over to his dresser while I stood rooted to the spot. I saw him open the top drawer and pull something out, but he hid it from me. He kept it behind his back when he faced me again.

“Honey, you know I love you more than anything. We’ve been together forever, and I can’t imagine living without you. And now with our … with our baby-” he giggled, “there’s only one thing that could possibly make my life any better.”

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I’m honestly not sure how I managed to stay standing while he knelt down and pulled out the ring box. I gasped rather loudly and covered my mouth to prevent myself from squealing like a little girl.

“Annemarie Gabrielle Le Hare, will you marry me?”

I don’t think I need to tell you that I said yes. Avery and I had been talking about our future a lot recently. Like how many kids we wanted (at least five), where we wanted to live (definitely in Sunset Valley, close to our families), and when we wanted to get married (after he finished culinary school). That was the most shocking part about this. Culinary school would take another two – maybe even three years, and yet here he was, hiding a ring in his sock drawer.

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And what a ring! I didn’t want to be all girly and fawn over it, especially since I wasn’t normally a jewelry person anyway, but I couldn’t help admiring how wonderful it looked as he slipped it on my finger.

Avery wasn’t much better at concealing his happiness. As soon as the ring was on my finger, I was in his arms. He couldn’t stop telling me how much he loved me and our baby.

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After trying (and failing miserably) to cuddle on his small bed, we decided to come out of hiding and tell his parents.

They took it surprisingly well, considering their only child had just announced he was getting married to his pregnant girlfriend before he even finished school. Work and school usually meant everything to Mr and Mrs Lapin, but they said they were happy for us, and would help in any way they could.

Avery and I spent the rest of the afternoon in his backyard, making some important decisions. I started heading home close to dinnertime. I couldn’t wait to break the news to my family. Marriage might not solve all of my concerns, like money and whether or not we would make good parents, but maybe it would ease the worrying of certain members of my family.

Dad was outside tending to his little garden when I got home. He said that Mom was on her way from a concert with dinner and my sisters were upstairs in their rooms. I decided to wait until they were all together at the dinner table to tell them, so I just told Dad to call me when Mom got home, and then went inside.

Jessie was busy working on her homework in our room and asked if I minded staying out for another twenty minutes or so. I gladly left her alone, since it would give me enough time to talk to Corinne. If Avery and I went through with our plans, she was going to have to come around really soon.

Corinne-Annemarie talk

I went and knocked on her door and waited for her muffled reply before coming in. She was sitting at her desk, typing away on her laptop. Probably something to do with work. I loved Corinne dearly, but sometimes she could be a bit of a workaholic. And a neat freak. And a know-it-all. It was a wonder how we’d managed to survive living under the same roof with so few scuffles over the years.

Corinne-Annemarie talk3

“I don’t think Doo Peas is going to fall apart if you take the weekend off, you know,” I said jokingly. She continued typing and ignoring me. “Corinne, I really need to talk to you.”

“I don’t feel like talking right now. Please leave.”

“No. I need you to understand how important this is to me. I need you to be okay with it.”

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She sighed and shut down the laptop, but she still wouldn’t look at me.

“What does it matter?” she said. “You’re going to do what you want anyway.”

“I probably will, but this is important to us.”

She tilted her head. “Us?”

“I went to see Avery today.”

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She looked up at me. “And? What did he say?”

“He asked me to marry him.” I smiled and showed her my left hand, which I’d had buried in my pocket since I got home.

She stared at the ring for a few seconds before smiling up at me. “Congratulations.” It was short and not at all as happy as I’d hoped it would be.

“But you still don’t approve.” She shook her head frustratedly and stood up.

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“I’m just looking out for you. That’s all I ever do. Matt never thought about anything but sports and girls. And then he went and got married right out of high school! Oliver was the class clown and didn’t even consider a career until a month before graduation. You’re always just so happy and carefree, like Dad. It’s like there’s nothing that could possibly get you down. And poor Jessica is just a kid. Mom and I have to look out for this family.”

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 “No, you don’t have to,” I said. “Matt is responsible. He got a part-time job in high school just like you did. He never had great grades, but at least he wasn’t failing. Ollie is a genius with computers. The only reason he waited so long to make a decision about his career was because there are no good computer programming classes here in the Valley, which meant going somewhere else for college. Medicine was his second choice.

“And do you really think that nothing bothers me? The teasing in high school, that time Jessie broke her ankle, Parker breaking up with me just before my birthday … those aren’t my happiest memories. And just because I didn’t get on the honor roll or go to college, that means I can’t take care of myself? Well,  I’m sorry if I’m not living up to your expectations, Corinne, but I would much rather spend my days taking care of children and painting than stuck in an office.”

Corinne-Annemarie talk7

Things got very quiet. I was glad Dad was outside, otherwise he’d have come running to help up patch things up, and I didn’t want him to.

“This is the most serious thing I’ve ever done,” I began when I realized Corinne wasn’t going to say anything. “I really thought about this. I know what I’m giving up, and it’s all worth it. You don’t know it, but I told Mom and Dad that I would move out if that’s what they wanted. They said no, but I was prepared to go. I knew where I was going to stay, and what I was going to do for money – even if Avery didn’t want the baby. I had a plan. I’m not stupid.”

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “I know that, Anne, and I’m sorry I said you were, I was just angry. I just don’t want to see any of you get hurt. But this is your life, and I know I don’t have any right telling you what to do. Honestly, I’m really happy for you and Avery.”

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I quickly gave her a hug before she could change her mind. We were both grinning when she pulled away.

“I’m glad you came to your senses,” I said. “Because asking you to be my matron of honor would just be really awkward otherwise.”

We spent a few minutes talking about dresses before Mom came home and it was time for me to tell everyone else the news. The two hours after dinner were spent in front of the computer, going through various wedding details with my mom and sisters while Dad watched the gardening channel.

Hey guys, it’s Annie again!

In case you were wondering, my date with Avery went great. We went t0 see Sleepless in Bridgeport (I wanted to see Despicable Sim, but whatever) and then we went to Hogan’s Diner for dinner.

I knew the house would be empty since Mom and Dad were out celebrating their anniversary, Corinne was working late (as usual) and Jessie was at a sleepover, so I invited Avery over after we ate to… relax a little. 😉

Annemarie-Avery woohoo

Unfortunately he had to go home soon after that and get some rest for work.

Not much else has happened since then. The town council decided I was a good enough caretaker that I could start looking after up to four toddlers at once. I’m not sure whether I should be honored or angry. I barely have enough time to eat lunch anymore!

Anyway, it was the end of the second week after my date that I started getting sick. I would wake up in the middle of the night and have to rush to the bathroom to vomit.

Annemarie vomiting

At first we all thought I was coming down with the flu, but I hadn’t gotten any other symptoms. Finally Daddy – ever the paranoid doctor – told me to go to the hospital. I didn’t really think there was anything wrong with me, but I went just so he wouldn’t worry.

My doctor was surprised to see me, to say the least. I only came for check-ups about once a year and I hardly ever got sick. I suppose, then, I should have been a bit more worried about this sudden illness. Even still, I never would have guessed what the real cause of my nausea was.

I’m pregnant.

Corinne and Jessie were upstairs when I got back, which was probably for the best because I wasn’t in the mood to talk to them. But Mom and Daddy were waiting for me in the living room and wanted to know what my doctor had said.

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I knew I couldn’t keep this from them. It wouldn’t be long before I started showing, and Daddy could probably get the information out of my doctor. (To hell with doctor-patient confidentiality when your patient’s dad was your boss.) So I sat down with them and told them I was pregnant.

I think they were both pretty shocked at first, but Daddy recovered quickly and smiled.

Parent talk

“I can’t believe it,” he said. “This is amazing.”

For a second, I thought everything was going to be okay and I could avoid a freak-out. Then Mom spoke up.

“How can you be happy about this?” she near-shouted at him. “This is a disaster! How could you have done this?”

“I didn’t do it on purpose. I didn’t – we didn’t plan for this to happen.”

“Avery, you mean? Have you told him yet?” She was glaring at me.

“No. No, I came straight home from the hospital.” I took a deep breath, steadying myself for what I had to say next. The car ride home hadn’t been long, but it had given me the time I needed to make some very important decisions.

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“I want to keep the baby.”

“Are you out of your mind?” That was Mom, of course.

“Please, Mom, I know I made a mistake, but I want this more than anything. You know I’ve always wanted to have kids.”

“You’re twenty years old, Annemarie.”

“Yes, and I have a job. It may not pay much, but it’ll do. And I can take care of the baby.”

“Oh, no. There’s no way you can continue to work and care for a child, too. YOu think it’ll be easy now, but just wait. What about when you want to go to the bookstore, or to one of those baseball games? Don’t think I’m going to take time off work to watch your child then.”

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“Susan, relax,” Daddy said, resting a hand on her shoulder. “We can worry about things like that later. All that’s important right now is that we set up a nursery area-” I interrupted quickly.

“If it’ll cause less problems, I’ll move out.”

Mom started to laugh. “With what money?”

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“It doesn’t matter. If you don’t want me and the baby to live here, I’ll move.” I sounded much braver than I felt. It was true, I didn’t have much money saved up. And while Oliver and his roommate had been offering me a room in their house, I doubted the offer would still be open when I had a screaming baby to take care of.

Still, if I could pay them what I had now, it would hopefully be enough to let me stay during my pregnancy. Just eight short months while I find a better job and a cheap apartment.

“Of course we don’t want you to leave,” Dad said reassuringly. “Right, Susan?”

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I looked over to Mom hopefully, but she was already getting up and crossing the room to tinker with the new stereo. I stood to follow her, but Daddy caught my arm and pulled me into a hug.

“I’m really happy for you, honey,” he whispered in my ear. “And be patient with your mother. She’s just looking out for you.”

He kissed my cheek and then went upstairs, leaving Mom and I alone. I went over and stood beside her as she tinkered. She wouldn’t look at me, though.

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“Please,” I said quietly, and she looked up slowly. “I know you think I’m making a mistake, but I want this. I need this… more than anything.”

She put down her screwdriver and looked me in the eye. “I know. I’m just thinking of what’s best for you. You’re still young, Annemarie. You have so much life left to live. Are you sure you want to put it on hold for so long?”

“I am. Please, Mom.”

“Okay, then. You have my blessing, for what it’s worth.” I hugged her as I let out a relieved sigh. I couldn’t believe how well that had gone. Hopefully Avery would take it just as well the next morning.

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As we pulled away, Mom smiled at me. “I can’t wait to meet my new grandchild,” she said, and we both giggled.

I left her to tinkering and went upstairs to find my sisters. Oddly, they were both in mine and Jessie’s room. Jess was playing on the floor and Corinne was making Jessie’s bed. Have I mentioned my sister is a neat freak?

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After a few seconds of watching them, readying myself, I walked in and asked them if we could talk.

“Sure,” Jessie said, standing up. “What’s going on?”

“I have something really important I need to tell you two, and I’m not sure how you’re going to take it.”

“Just tell us.”

Without any more hesitation, I spit it out and then waited for their reactions.

Corinne took it about as well as I had expected. She completely freaked out.

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“Please tell me you’re joking.”

“No, I’m not,” I said quietly. “Please don’t be mad.”

“Mad? Annemarie, you never think of the consequences. You’re so childish!” I flinched. I’d been teased all through high school for being too immature at times, but being called childish by my big sister at that moment was probably the worst I’d ever felt.

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“I think it’s cool,” Jessie said, saving me from answering to Corinne. “Are you and the baby still going to be living here?”

“Of course not,” Corinne said exasperatedly, as if it was the most ridiculous idea ever. “She’s not going to keep it.”

“Yes, I am.” I was never very good at standing up for myself, but I didn’t seem to be having any problems defending a baby I hadn’t even known about twenty-four hours ago. “I’ve already talking to Mom and Dad, and they’ve agreed with me. I’m keeping it.”

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“Does Avery even know?”

“Not yet. I’m telling him tomorrow.”

“Well, good luck with that. I still think you’re making a big mistake.”

Jessie suddenly turned on Corinne.

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“Don’t be mean, Cori. You know Annie would be there for you if you got pregnant.”

I almost laughed – Corinne hadn’t dated since high school – but I was so touched that Jess would stick up for me that I kept quiet. Corinne looked completely shocked.

“I’m not that stupid,” she said and stormed out.

Once I heard the door to her own room slam shut, I thanked Jessie and gave her a hug.

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“You didn’t have to do that,” I said, tearing up a little.

“But it’s true. You’re everyone’s best friend. I can’t believe she’d say that about you.”

I thanked her again and went into the bathroom to take a shower to calm my nerves. And now here I am, writing to you.

Tomorrow’s Saturday, and I’m going to see Avery to tell him the big, hopefully good news. I’m going to try to get some sleep now, but I doubt I can.

I can’t believe I’m going to be a mother. ❤

Once upon a time in a beautiful valley, there lived a happy young couple named Tom and Susan Le Hare. Susan’s life revolved around music. Her dream was to become a movie composer. Tom, a doctor, preferred to spend time in his garden, and wanted a big family.

Parent intro

Together, they had five sweet kids.

Sporty Matt,

Matt playing

genius Corinne,

Corinne reading

funny Oliver,

Oliver funny

childish Annemarie,

Annemarie with house

and pretty little Jessica.

Jessica ballet

Matt went off and got married and had three little girls of his own.

Matt with family

Corinne stayed at home and become a successful businesswoman.

Corinne working

Oliver left to attend med school.

Oliver working

Annemarie started a makeshift daycare in their living room.

Annemarie working

And Jessie was a wonderful dancer with lots of friends.

Jessica friendly

Everyone was happy, and no one had a care in the world. Sounds perfect, doesn’t it?

Now, you’re probably wondering where I come into this. Well, I’m sorry to say I’m not part of that happy couple, and I’m not one of their successful, talented kids either. I’m their unsuccessful, untalented, but lovable daughter Annemarie, and this is my blog!

My reasons for starting this blog vary. On one hand, I think it would be a great way to make friends in other places, like Riverview and Bridgeport. I practically know everyone here in the Valley. On the other hand, I’m bored. Plain and simple. I work nine hours a day, four days a week. And when I’m not taking care of little kids, I really don’t have anything else to do.

So, I should mention some more stuff about me, huh? Okay, well, I’m twenty years old. I like classical music, and ratatouille, and my favorite color is aqua. I’ve very artistic – literally the only thing I inherited from my mother. Painting is the only thing we enjoy doing together.

Susan-Annemarie painting

But I’m a daddy’s girl. We both love to garden, and like big families, and we’re what Mom calls childish. But so what if we prefer playing tag to watching wildlife documentaries like her and Corinne?

Oh, and this is my boyfriend. Avery Lapin.


We’ve been dating for about four years – since high school. But we’ve been friends for way longer.

Speaking of Avery, he’s taking me out tonight so I should go get ready. I’ll try to post again soon, when I have something to say.

Bye for now!
